Monday, November 11, 2013

Chosing The Right Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Losing belly-fat and making sure that some inches are off the waistline is SO important to both your health and physical beauty. For this to be achieved, a good fat-BURNING diet must be in place.  So many people make the big mistake of forcing themselves to a weight loss routine diet plan that they can HARDLY tolerate and end up quitting along the way. So, if you really want to achieve your goal of losing weight, choose a DIET PLAN that you not only can stick to with ease but one that you actually enjoy as well. Visit ==> Fast Weight Loss for details.

If from day one, your ‘meal plan’ feels like torture, you will NOT follow it...PERIOD. Ideally you should be excited about the foods that you’re eating and the diet should leave you feeling better not worse, if you know what I mean.

It is true that one may experience some hunger when on a belly or weight loss program, but it should never be so unbearable that it cannot be continued. That point alone is the VERY reason why I hundred percent recommend you getting a copy of the 101Flatbelly and Fat Loss Nigerian Cooking Recipes written by our Nigerian Fat Loss Coach, A Nutrition Biochemist, Dr. Ela Maris.

With that said, let’s quickly run through the two(2) signs that can be used to check if a diet plan is right for you or not and what can be done to help get it on the right track again.

Sign #1: Starvation
The very first sign that a diet plan may not be the right one for you is if you find that you’re constantly starving. I already explained that some hunger on a diet plan is okay BUT....if you are always absolutely starved, that is a sign that either your diet is not providing you with enough calories or it is not giving you the nutrition that you need. And when this happens, the best decision is to quit that plan because your belly may appear smaller or you may actually lose some weight, but it is not real, what you are losing is muscle and water and that is the WORST thing to lose if you want to have a firm, flat and toned belly.

Sign #2: Lack of Appetite
The second sign that you may need a new fat-BURNING food plan is if you have no appetite. Mind you, you are not sick neither are you fasting, by the way, people who fast still get hungry, meaning they have an appetite.

Let me quickly explain the difference between appetite and hunger. "Appetite" refers to your desire to eat while "Hunger" refers to the feeling of discomfort or weakness you experience caused by the lack of food.

So if you feel like eating is the last thing you want to do simply because you don’t enjoy any of the foods on your meal plan, you have to check that diet plan. At this point, I strongly advise that you consider a different approach that offers a different variety of healthy, fat-burning food choices. And where else can you get access to over 100 Fat-burning Nigerian meals and recipes? But Dr. Ela’s 101 Flatbelly and Fat Loss Nigerian Cooking Recipes.

FACT is, if you have access to a variety of healthy meals and recipes, you really don’t ‘have’ to eat in a specific manner to see quick belly and weight loss success.

To your health,



  1. Look here for very quick and easy weight loss.

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  3. It may be useful to consult your nutritionist about this and from there you can design a meal plan that will be composed of a variety of foods that are low in calories but still contain the necessary nutrients that you body needs each day. Weight loss nutrisystem


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