Monday, November 11, 2013

Chosing The Right Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Losing belly-fat and making sure that some inches are off the waistline is SO important to both your health and physical beauty. For this to be achieved, a good fat-BURNING diet must be in place.  So many people make the big mistake of forcing themselves to a weight loss routine diet plan that they can HARDLY tolerate and end up quitting along the way. So, if you really want to achieve your goal of losing weight, choose a DIET PLAN that you not only can stick to with ease but one that you actually enjoy as well. Visit ==> Fast Weight Loss for details.

If from day one, your ‘meal plan’ feels like torture, you will NOT follow it...PERIOD. Ideally you should be excited about the foods that you’re eating and the diet should leave you feeling better not worse, if you know what I mean.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

More On Controlling Blood Sugar Level

Few days ago, I posted on this blog on WHY you need to learn how to control your blood sugar level if you want to lose fat from "special" areas of your body! And this has a LOT to do with eating carbohydrate foods, which is WHAT our Nigerian foods and recipes are mainly made up of. Now I’m not saying carbohydrate is bad itself, there are just different kinds of carbs, the good and bad ones. The good carbs are called fibrous carbs and the bad ones are the simple carbs of which our "9ja" foods are mainly made with.

In order to lose belly fat and get rid of excess body fat, you need to KNOW how to keep INSULIN working for you and not against you. When you eat a bowl of pasta, chunk of bread, white rice or ‘swallow’, it gets broken down quickly into sugar. This causes your blood sugar level to rise. When this happens, your body then produces the hormone INSULIN to remove the excess sugar. Insulin is a TWO-FACED hormone which acts a GOOD guy one minute then switches into your WORST nightmare in terms of losing belly-fat and weight loss.

Insulin’s job is to reduce the blood sugar level in your body and it does this in two ways:
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